Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Wednesday 17th June

Feeling sorry for the pigeons, though they are out there reproducing themselves in the wider world, but it must be bad flying into Whitby and no tourists to attack for their chips.
Today has dawned sunny, and they have been tarmacing the road outside, though it took a while for the penny to drop that the funny machines that kept passing  back and forth were actually laying the stuff.
I stood talking to Nigel on the pavement after they had finished we were both going dog walking, and the little stones thrown up pinged us.  Nigel hasn't been to the shops for the 12 weeks of lockdown, his wife is ill, so a neighbour has done their shopping.  They have no internet and he likes to use cash but he will be one of a dying breed of person as our world restructures itself into a cashless society.  He complains how difficult he finds computers but that hurdle has to be over come eventually.
The village was fairly busy, two sets of walkers went through, the people from the cottage across the road were out walking their dog.  Life has slowly picked up, the motor bikes are coming through but no coaches and caravans.  My delivery did not come though, due to road closure, so fingers crossed Lucy is quiet tonight because I have no calming pills.  I also bought her some joint pills as well, and have decided to stop her  pet insurance in a month on her 13th birthday.

When I have an early lunch I watch 'Life on Benefits' trying to work out in my mind my reactions. As people age and they find it more difficult to find a job they have to go through the misery of social security.  Now it seems to me there are not enough jobs around in all of our towns and cities and therefore welfare becomes imperative we should support them but by how much?  Private landlords can be greedy, the cost of living pricey.  Many people are furloughed at the moment but when that finishes there will be more money to find as some of these people find they have lost their jobs because of the pandemic.  Does 'Basic Income' work or do we have to go back to a more socialistic state in which we become overseen by big brother.  And as if on time Daily Mash has just posted the following......

"Do blue passports double as ration books?"  Funnily enough they were just saying on the radio this morning that stock items are the one thing that are in short supply.  Such things as flour, rice and pasta, it is not that we are hoarding they are having problems with supply - Brexit is also adding to our woes.  I could not understand the total condemnation of chlorinated chicken from America until it was spelled out to me.  The poor creatures live in their own filth until death, the chlorination is about washing them clean.


  1. There are times when I wish for a world without the Internet and wonder if those who do not have it, live better lives. Your friend Nigel, though, will have to make some changes in his life, especially with cash. Covid has brought the future to us more quickly.

  2. Luckily for him the community helps him, but not using the internet is problematic for older people in society, especially when the banks are shutting down in the towns, and even ATMs are rare on the ground. The post office in our local towns have taken on some of the banking tasks but as you say we are being rushed into change far too quickly. And no one asked us if we wanted it!

  3. We should all be ashamed of the way we treat many of our animals - the answer in the case of the chickens is surely just not to buy it if it ever comes here. But many people just do it without thinking.

  4. Well as long as they do proper labelling we should not have to Pat.

  5. There are so many areas where making a profit comes before being healthy or being safe.

  6. In the 'olden' days chicken was expensive Tabor, cheap production methods in this country as well are also very cruel. Chickens are raised so quickly that they can't stand on their legs.


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