Thursday, January 21, 2021

21st January 2021 - hallelujah

Dreams; I don't normally remember them, unless they are frightening and turn into nightmares which wake me up.  But last night a dream which did indeed wake me up had a sequence of happenings.  My daughter had bought me one of those expensive pillows at Xmas in the hope that I would not react so physically to my; falling out of bed for a start!

So the dream opened with my purse, I opened it and inside was a live butterfly which fluttered out into some rubbish, so I retrieved it and placed it carefully back in my purse.. It happened in a messy garage and I thought I shall tidy this space.  But then I walked out into the garden of this house.  Green lawn on a hill with great old trees and gnarled bark.  The land fell down to a foaming river and as I walked down to it I saw my half brother skipping alongside.  He made his way down the rocks to the river, and I, in great fear that he would end up in the river called his name.  Which of course woke me up.  Symbolism may be in this jumble, I have no family from my past, they went one way I went another on the death of my first husband.  But their fate still haunts me obviously.

Well the Inauguration went well, a good speech, I bet many people in America heaved a sigh of relief, as did the rest of the world.  It will be hard going of course, promises cannot always be kept but I am sure there is a feeling of hope and optimism in the air.

Harrowing television programmes on the overworked nurses and doctors in the NHS, how can they go on day after day with so much misery happening in front of them.  And then we have the deniers of Covid demonstrating outside the hospitals - FFS, who do we blame for ignorant, stupid thinking?

Now I shall switch to  Radio 3 for music and some sanity, they are still talking about that man, perhaps instead I shall listen to Leonard Cohen and Hallelujah ;)


  1. Isn't it good to have a lovely dream - when it happens (rarely) it stays with with me for much of the day.

    1. Well as I never seem to reach the ending of my dreams I'm not sure. But I loved the butterfly and it was a sign of something good. Today my phone seems to be working after entering some numbers.

  2. The damage that the orange idiot has done to his country will take a long time to repair. Will future generations ever forgive him for what he did to their nation and its people? Can anyone think of one good thing that he did to benefit anyone other than himself and his cronies?

  3. Well Jean Greta Thunberg had her own back yesterday....""He seems like a very happy old man looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!"
    But I think I was holding my breath during the Inauguration till Biden actually took the oath. Kamal Harris looked so happy as well.

  4. I am often frantically busy in my dreams and wake up tired from them! Probably because I am retired and do not have to do anything anymore if I don't want to but my subconscious wants me to be more productive! :)
    I was so relieved after the Inauguration. I thought it was lovely and was just so happy to hear normal-sounding, hopeful people speaking positively about a better future for all. A tall order for Biden/Harris but at least they agree to try!
    Peace and love!

    1. A purse symbolizes what you hold dear. A butterfly is a symbol of life force or new life. Your world is cluttered, neglected, wild and chaotic. I wonder why more people are not having the same dream.

      My husband runs in his sleep. That can be jolting.

    2. You are a dream teller Debby, that's good. We all dream differently I think, what is my nemesis is not necessarily everyone else's, though we all experience the same terrible times. Often I fight off weird Japanese figures that skulk in the corners of the bedroom, this is because obviously there are Japanese gods depicted in scrolls round the house ;)

    3. Hi Ellen, Funny what the subconscious brings up in dreams. I think everyone could not understand how such a figure, who's name I will not say, could be in charge. There is I think a great sense of relief that Biden/Harris are normal people, how they will fare in the future is of course something we hope will be productive.

  5. Lovely green pictures illustrating a not frightening dream.

    1. It is a small village up the road called Sinnington. Very pretty, our river runs through it but it has wide green on either side so the cottages are somewhat protected from flooding.

  6. Having disturbing dreams seem to come more often lately. I have my herbal tea before I go to bed and the aromas often calm me down and my dreams are peaceful.

    With over 400,000 dead now, it will be very hard to forgive the past president for what he did and didn't do.

    1. The death toll is horrendous in America, and it is the same here as well, peaking high. But that man had no time for anyone else, his vacuous, vanity laden speeches are one thing I am so pleased will not appear on the news anymore.

  7. Human irrationality is fascinating. We think we're in control of ourselves but have no idea what the next thought to pop into our heads is going to be most of the time. It comes out -usually harmlessly- in our dreams. In our waking hours it can wreak havoc if we lack the good judgement to question it.

  8. Hopefully I am rational during my waking hours Carruthers. My dreams always seem to point to insecurity, being lost in an unknown town, or trying to go home but not knowing where home is.


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