Wednesday, September 8, 2021

8th September 2021

 Nothing much to say.  Lillie has just flown up the stairs in a paddy ;).  She had been trying on her new school uniform and had come down to show me.  The blouse was too big, the skirt too long - I LOOK LIKE A NUN she said.  I had replied well even nuns have a life for goodness sake.  

As a schoolgirl I wore the most horrible uniforms, our social lives restricted beyond anything school children today would have experienced.  Her friend and herself coloured their hair in the marketplace yesterday and then came home to shower the resultant staining off.  Had they crocodiled pair by pair as we did, all in the confines of a convent, as I was, made to pray at unearthly hours in the morning.  Well 7.0. clock, I had special dispensation to have a cup of tea and biscuits to stop me fainting from hunger!  By the way I have nothing to say against the nuns at Brewood Convent, they nursed me through months of convalescing after Asian flu as my family broke up once more.

So the sun shines, it is absolutely beautiful and still outside, I shall take a walk soon, and finding another video of my favourite song once more sung at a slower pace.  And rejoice in  teenagers growing up and look forward to Matilda coming down from London next week.

Also this morning, ordered a cheap camera, which should come tomorrow - happy days.......


  1. We had to wear Maroon knickers! heavens knows what teenagers would think of them now. For indoor PE it was the knickers with an airtex top!

    1. Maroon such a difficult colour to wear! Ours were navy, at least the new generations don't have to do PE in them.

  2. Ours were navy, Sue! Yup, wore them for sports too. Tights hadn't been invented either.

    Thelma - are you staying with family permanently or looking for a flat to move into?

  3. Hi Jennie, staying with family for about 6 months, anyway till after Xmas and then looking to find a flat. Also navy ;)

  4. Good thing about school uniforms is that I didn't have to worry about what to wear each day! I remember in high school when our school went co-ed and all the girls started rolling their skirts up to look cuter! The rules said our skirt was supposed to touch the ground when we knelt down but we would roll them short every chance we got! Boy crazy teens!

    1. But the problem with rolling your skirt up is that you have a bulge at your waist, as I told Lillie. It is extraordinary how discipline is lacking with our young. Of course I say that with tongue in cheek, knowing full well that the ability to have freedom of speech is hard won.

  5. Ah Brewood - always considered a rather posh place in my days in Wolverhampton. Wonder if the convent is still going strong. Just thought - was it near to Wolverhampton or was it nesr to Lichfield? It is all so long ago.

  6. Wasn't it on the other side of Albrighton? I know it was a long bus journey from Wolverhampton and that is why I was boarded in the end. The house in Willenhall was sold up and I lost all my toys and books, and then when my grandfather picked me up had to get used to a terrible new stepmother. Think it is still a school, it had a lot of grounds.

  7. Our PE knickers were bottle green....I still can't wear anything in that particular shade of green. The old summer dress had been bottle green with big white polka dots, but thankfully they had replaced it with a floral fabric and an oh so practical white cardigan by the time I went there! Arilx

  8. I remember the summer dresses, you had two, one to wash and one to wear Aril. School uniforms are still as expensive as ever also.


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