Monday, November 8, 2021

8th November 2021

 Well, nose down, geography lesson for me today.  But on a much happier note yesterday an old friend from the past got in touch through F/B.  It was lovely to hear from her, it brought back memories of parties in London and Oxford, of kindness and poverty of course.

The other day Matilda my granddaughter in London left a voice message on her phone at night for her mum.  It was full of pathos and I had laughed at her predicament.  She was cold, very, very cold, the one hot water bottle in the flat had been taken by her flatmate and her extremities were numb.  No her mum did not fly up with another bottle.

Those were the days, cold flats, sleeping on floors at friend's houses.  Our children and grandchildren think they are the only ones who experience such times.  It also brought back sad memories of our mutual friend dying far too young.

But mostly the memories are happy, staying at the folly mill in Rousham for Xmas, S was always a good friend through my widowhood, and now here we are two grannies with our young grown up, one living down in the South West with moorit sheep and me 'oop  North' as she said.  Could have done with some of those fleeces though for spinning.  Antiques united us, S has gone on to write a historical book and still dabbles in paintings as well, which means restoration.

As I grow older the memories float around like the round Earth, the memories flow too easily but also happily.  


  1. When I am totally relaxed memories I had long forgotten suddenly come back to me - I had a few of those one day last week.

    I think Matilda needs to invest in a hot water bottle of her OWN. . .

    1. The hot water bottle was hers Jennie. Her mother has suggested an electric blanket but Matilda walks round the flat in dread of spiders and the heating, so she will probably fantasise about being electrocuted in bed.

    2. Tell her I've had one ever since I was about 10 and so 60 years of non-electrocution is a fairly good recommendation!

  2. Or even an electric blanket for Matilda - a Christmas present suggestion?
    What with your post today and Tom's too - together they have prompted stirrings of something friends and I were speaking of yesterday- so I shall do a post today on similar lines.

    1. Looking forward to it Pat, the electric blanket has been on the back burner for a while, it is a large Regency flat, and the heat all goes out the windows.

    2. Sheets of bubblewrap taped over the windows - neighbours of ours used it and swore by it.

  3. Memories do pop up to surprise at odd moments! Walking through the crunchy leaves last week, brought me right back to my walk home from grammar school. I could picture it perfectly and hadn't thought about it in years!
    Matilda will solve her heat problem and 60 years from now will smile at the memories of it!

    1. She will probably also curse me when she reads my blog but it made me giggle. One memory I did not put on was about staying in the mill they had rented, I found a video of an artist who lived in/by the grounds of Rousham House and I never realised the gardens were so beautiful. The mill was called Temple Mill, and had a large tall window and at Xmas an enormous decorated tree was tucked into the alcove.

  4. Lots of posts on memory today - perhaps we bloggers are a nostalgic lot... I suspect we are. But imagine a life without or with only limited memory - it would hardly be a life at all.

    1. Memories also play an important part in figuring our lives out as well. There is the intelligent logical thinking and then there are the emotions, both of which must be judged by past memories.

  5. My husband has gone over the top with memories. He spends his whole time just doing that.

  6. I think we are allowed our memories Tabor but not that we become boring with them. Also it is dank here, the road outside always wet and it rains on and off, not the time for looking for adventures.

  7. Adventures are wonderful, and reliving them from time to time is a lot of fun as well. I'm glad you found your friend again!

  8. So am I all because of the wonder of the internet Debby.


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