Thursday, December 16, 2021

16th December 2021


Diary through the pandemic We live in interesting times let it be said.  My worry the last few days has been listening for parcels delivered, we are almost there, except for Lillie's bag from France, they keep giving different messages to its arrival.  Funny thing happened yesterday evening, my son emailed that he had a mysterious parcel for me delivered to his home.  My mind flies along scams for I know all my parcels and  not this one.  I get up in the middle of the night and look at my emails.  Another email, sorry Mum it was the fudge I ordered you, I put on the wrong address.

Do I always consider the worst outcome? Today the by-election, the Tories are hopeful they will scrape through with a reduced majority.  I saw a funny video by 'Led by Donkeys' with Ted Hasting taking down Cressida Dick, this countries sharp wits are already winding up to take down the government.

Today is the day of Lillie's play, we all have been issued with tickets but I don't think I will be going, though apparently all the social distancing and ventilation has been adhered to.  She is also on tenterhooks about her bid for a place abroad next year, probably Africa, a government scheme.  I think there are four from her school applying, I hate to think of her disappointed but we will see.

So hurry on Xmas so we can get on the other side of it and into calmer waters.


  1. Is that bit of honeysuckle still out now? If so then thank goodness for some sign of hope..

    1. No Pat, I have decided to put up photos that please me and remind me of summer. X


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