Friday, December 24, 2021

24th December 2021

I stood on the doorstep yesterday, smiling sweetly, for the photo the delivery driver was taking.  Another parcel delivered safely, though of course then had an email from my son, mum have you picked up the parcel.  This from the Post Office.  Yes of course I had, another bit of paper gone missing. Dozens of parcels has gone through the household and I am definitely looking forward to AFTER Xmas.

So what made me smile yesterday, was it this sweet little card from Leo, specially printed by proud dad of his artistic attainments.  Leo is Paul's grandson, I have a whole ream of photos when Paul went up to visit him in London.  Paul was so happy, though he always wanted them to come down to the cottage to see the animals, sheep in the field, old Lucy and the hens.  Leofric, what a strange name my daughter said, but Paul suggested it and he named his children with old Anglo-Saxon names and Kennard and Yuki use the shortened version - Leo. Old English names changed slightly to modern use.

As my third grandchild arrived yesterday, seemingly in a solid relationship, the talk turned to baby names.  I mean he was surrounded by four females!  Matilda had the most to say on the subject and we discussed growing up with a name that parents have given us as children and probably taking the names from the current personalities.

Bored children yesterday in my room

Matilda is dithering around changing her surname so that her initials will strike the right note as a journalist (though god help her children when she names them).

They are singing the dirge like hymn 'Emmanuel' on radio 3 at the moment and my mind immediately races back to a very cold church in Albrighton, where we as convent girls would trek to practise singing, again and again, this hymn at Christmas.


  1. People would buy that Christmas card.
    There are some definitely dirgy hymns. As for Christmas songs, please can someone invent a device to bleep out the word "Sanna".

    1. I think Leo is actively encouraged by his uncle who is also an artist. It is a miserable hymn and practising for hours in a cold church never made it better. You would have thought that all those centuries ago someone would have thought of heating the enormous expanse of churches, and maybe given them less of height.

  2. Hah - I wouldn't have bothered smiling as apparently they take photos of your FEET!

    Love the little card and Leofric as a name too. Danny was very nearly called Fergus - he thinks he had a narrow escape!

    I imagine Christmas will be a busy affair in your household tomorrow. G and D are having to do a Lateral Flow Test before they travel here. Enjoy your Christmas anyway.

    1. It is already a busy affair. Lillie has her mum's debit card (with strictures from me) and is buying extra everything today, her enthusiasm for Xmas cannot be dampened. Matilda with her dry wit has constructed a list for herself with nothing on it to do today. And so it goes on. I actually feel sorry for all those delivery men rushing around trying to get all the parcels delivered. We should stop spending!

  3. A sweet Christmas card by Leo! How cute! Merry Christmas, Thelma!

    1. Leo is a gorgeous little boy from what I have seen of him Ellen and I expect spoilt as an only child. Merry Christmas to you as well, have an enjoyable time. X

  4. Merry Christmas, Thelma! Thank you for the glimpses of your corner of the world.

    1. Merry Christmas to you Debby as well. I love coming to your corner as well and soon your workload will be over, so a good year to come as well. X

  5. Love the Xmas card.Keep it and frame and bring it out each year.
    Happy Xmas.

    1. Thank you Barbara, and I hope you will have a Happy Christmas too. Good idea about framing it.X

  6. Happy Christmas Thelma. Thank you for all your interesting blogs this year. Jan Bx.

    1. Slightly late in replying, hope you had a good Christmas day and thank you for reading my somewhat unruly blog.

  7. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
    Shall come to thee, O Israel.

    I mean, come off it Emmanuel. This is Great Britain. We are far away from Israel and our mythology is far more ancient than the stories that were woven around Johnny-come-lately Jesus of Nazareth. Did he even exist in the mould suggested by monks who came to us long after him?

    Good names for new babies include Paul and Thelma but not Emmanuel or Jesus.

  8. That is funny YP. Yes occasionally we should question the words of the hymns we are supposed to sing. Matilda already has my name (and Morgan) as middle names. My daughter is always griping about her name, which has become apparently, a catch-all to describe a certain age female. Little did I know all those years ago how the world would label us all!


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