Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Dedicated Followers of Fashion!


Raw music but tells of happier times.  When the young vied with each other to out dress.  Pat finds the High Street lacking, but then the weather is awful as well.  Those in anoraks are just wearing 'sensible' and cheap I can hear my daughter muttering who owns a wardrobe of beautiful clothes.


  1. Is it advancing age of simply a reflection of the 'mood' that I can't face the sparkly, or the close-fitting, or shoes with heels, or anything that lacks pockets. We have rediscovered thick wool socks, warm baggy jumpers, and baggy jeans (with pockets you can put things into).

  2. Sadly I think it is age. Two years ago I bought a sparkly cardigan for 'evenings out' but it was first time for sparkly. Like you warm jumpers (home knitted, much to the disgust of the younger females in the household) jeans and socks. Life became so easy when women began to wear jeans ;)

  3. Ah jeans Thelma - where would we be without them. I no longer possess a skirt other than a long tartan wool skirt for Christmas and as I stayed alone I didn't evven wear that this year.

  4. Exactly Pat. When women started wearing jeans fashion lost out...

  5. When I grew old and cold I fell back on wool sweaters and wool socks. Hand spun and hand knitted.

    1. Wool is the warmest material Joanne, artificial fibres do not have the same effect.

  6. There was a radio dramatisation about Ray Davis recently. It seems that the reason he was so known for his 'Englishness' was because the band failed in the USA.

  7. Wasn't he a social commentator as well though?


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