Tuesday, November 29, 2022

29th November 2022

 I am quiet for no good reason except perhaps that doleful news keeps unwinding itself.  I found a new word the other day 'immiserate' to make a country or people poor, sums it up nicely doesn't it?  John Crace wrote of Rishi Sunak that he has no backbone, a weak and ineffectual person to get us out of this problem.  Suella Braverman has disappeared off centre stage as her policy on immigrants seems to be unfolding.  Is the 'scare' of diphtheria a calculated distraction, away from the fact of locking up immigrants in Manston Immigration Centre.  Then we have Theresa Villiers trying to scrap a bill about building more houses - O dear.

But as I read on the back of his computer, my favourite botanist (Crime Pays but Botany doesn't) has a sticker which says 'Save the Earth, Kill Yourself'.  With his two dogs he traipses over hot deserts in America, naming the Latin names of plants with such skill, though he does tend to swear a lot but as I look down on that wondrous beauty of flowering plants and their reproductive nature I know that this natural world is a beautiful place to live in.

So a couple of photos I have taken from F/B 


Remember the right shoes for walking!

Christmas is coming, do remember to hang your tree upside down if you own cats.



  1. Well the pictures made me laugh - the one of the shoes on the snow is not exactly unknown either.
    And as for ... this natural world is a beautiful place to live in. Yep, I'll second that.

    1. One of the marvellous thing about the internet Mark is that it has opened up the world. Sad and happy things sit side by side. The buffoonery of politics will always make me laugh, or is it crying with despair I don't know.

  2. I read about a man named Les Knight who thinks that the best thing for our earth is for humans to become extinct. So that fits in with the sticker you mentioned. We certainly have done a lot of damage. I have no new ideas about how to fix all of the problems, tho.
    I loved that first photo of the elephant and ostrich! :)

  3. One of the things I am learning is that animals given freedom of want are quite happy to play and be tame. This morning a rescued bullock who follows his rescuer round with devotion, and I ask myself what is happening? Debating whether Earth should really have humans on it or not, I think what would happen, extinctions would happen and the top fauna still come out on top. Human intelligence recognises the problems and will therefore be forced to adjust or die out.

  4. It is a discouraging time Thelma, but we were born into it for a reason. Do whatever good you can right where you are. I am an optimist. I do believe that common sense will prevail in the end.

    1. Well maybe I would argue your statement about 'being born for a reason' the randomness of our lives states otherwise...

  5. Rishi Sunak is my constituency MP - he appears at every 'do' and then after showing his face disappears just as fast. It is time for my Tesco order -the driver helps me unpack because of my disabilitiies - wea lways manage a political chat - they all say 'bring back Maggie' - oh dear there just is no 'figurehead' is there.

    1. Well a figurehead I might choose Pat is Gordon Brown. He has an old rugged look to him, though he did something terrible in 2008? but he is on the side of social justice. Supermarket delivery service is one good thing that has come out of the pandemic period, long may it continue.

  6. Thanks for the useful word, immiserate. I have been looking for it for ages. Good advice on saving the world too.

    1. Glad you noticed it Tom, it describes so accurately what we going through at the moment. Not sure my botanist is right, surely we should be given a chance to change perhaps.


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