Sunday, May 21, 2023

21st May 2023

 The small things that happen over the week.  I decided I wanted a quiche, Lidl does a good one but when I got there "the cupboard was bare" as I wandered the aisles.  Well I would have to make one, though not the pastry, I have got tired of flour everywhere, that was bought.  What to put in it, (confession time from a predominately vegetarian person) I bought bacon and also some asparagus tips. 

got home, fried the bacon, and then half an onion diced in the bacon fat.  Gave the asparagus a few minutes in boiling water and then assembled with egg mix, cheese and cream, and herbs from my little patch.  It was delicious.  So somewhat late my 'coronation quiche' has been made.  Yesterday contemplating the bag of courgettes in the fridge, I sliced one thinly, also a carrot, and then fried them at high heat, adding at the last moment a teaspoonful of cashew butter slaked down with water and some soy sauce, a sort of quick satay sauce, it was good as well.

There is a thread of guilt running through this, the bacon of course but my biggest guilt this weekend is the ordering of an expensive computer. 

It is a Dell 'all in one', large screen, good for the videos I watch.  My daughter's partner had been consulted and we sat there and he just put it in the basket and there I am with a new computer coming next week.

Could I justify such a spend? well my daughter said one of the children can have it if you just pop off. I have bought a new one before my old one breaks down, being without internet connection for banks is a bit of a bummer. I hate spending money but computers are essential and as we go into this new AI world we need to keep up.

This is a time of changeover, when that hand held phone rules your life, you can flash it at ticket collectors, Uber drivers who belong to a computer programme that maps their progress to you and then transfers the right money from your account into theirs.  All scary of course but time marches on.  As so do the scammers, but with Andrew fighting in the security corner we do have some soldiers in the battle.


  1. I was brought up to be "careful with my money" and I find it very difficult to justify spending the stuff, however much I try to persuade myself that that's what money is for. I never managed to be the sort of vegetarian who sticks to the rules either. That quiche sounds good to me - if you're overtaken by guilt then send it over here!

    1. Yes it was part of the course being careful with money John. Another lapsed vegetarian that's sad ;) No I finished it off for lunch.

  2. I will join the queue after John for any left-over quiche - I love anything with asparagus and especially quiche. As for spending money - I am OK with it as long as it is not for me. Spending money on myself is always painful and merits long hard thinking first until I wake up on a day when I am in the right mood.

    1. I give myself time to think as well Pat, the new computer is necessary of course but perhaps it makes us lazy.

  3. Hope you enjoy your new computer for many years to come, Thelma! :)

    1. I am sure I will Ellen, they are in the end a whole entertainment system in themselves, plus of course needed to run one's life as well.

  4. A computer is a good investment as you will be around for decades to come. I also think that the phone has taken over except a man used his WATCH at our most recent plant sale.

    1. Information gets smaller and smaller, would not be able to read a watch Tabor.

  5. I'm getting closer and closer to buying a new one myself.

  6. Remember to buy security with it as well Joanne.

  7. Lol. Our children! I can imagine my own blithely telling me, 'well if you pop off....' I've decided on immortality just to annoy them.

    1. If you make a promise be sure to keep it Debby!


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