Saturday, May 6, 2023

6th May 2023

I found this poem yesterday, it should be framed for my grand daughters to remind them that killing innocent creatures is rather cruel.

I was reminded this morning with a butterfly beating its wings against the window in the bathroom behind the net curtains. I didn't even notice what type it was, the beat of frantic wings conveyed its message.  How many times at this time of the year do they come out of hiding in wardrobes, cupboards and slipped easily into the space behind the curtains and demand freedom into the world.

I can't go away and not remember the big foot from Monty Python coming down and squishing whatever, mostly the foolishness of humanity. 


  1. When I was a kid I spent ages catching a trapped butterfly in my hands and released through a window. A bird swooped down and took it as if I was hand feeding.

    1. Well a brief moment of freedom at least Tom.

  2. I love this quote and the pictures it makes in my mind. If only this were the world view. If only.

    1. What we wish for and what we get sadly Debby are two different things. Sentiment in writing is a fine thing at least it allows us to dream.

  3. In Sheffield classrooms, kids would often demand the immediate deaths of any errant insects that got in. In Bangkok it was very different - they demanded kind treatment and freedom - even for cockroaches.

    1. A Buddhist religion says that all sentient creatures must be treated with respect, our Christian faith, said something like all the dominions of the world belong to mankind. A subtle difference.

  4. My youngest granddaughter would spend half an hour catching and freeing an ant! Anything she trapped under a cup at bedtime "has to wait for morning for me to go downstairs!"

    1. That was a kind action Joanne. There is a Japanese story, about a man, who overlooking the edge of a cliff saw a starving lion down below. He stripped off his clothes and leapt down to his death so that the lion could feed herself and her young.


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