Thursday, May 4, 2023

4th May 2023

 In answer  to the last comments about that word.  There is a simple explanation, I just happen to fall in love with words.  I saw it as something to describe my tomato plants at this time of year.  But I often think of it when we describe some tall gangling youth and I worry that the spine will not be able to hold the body up.  Exploring my thoughts is not somewhere you need to go down by the way.

Today is the day of small town election, on the whole a boring exercise but where would we be if we did not have these loyal souls to go  and govern us - so go forth and vote!

There is the bang of rubbish carts outside, soon the steady noise of the council men mowing the public spaces.  They are the base of our society, rubbish would pile in the streets, rat infestations would take place, all this has to be seen to by these unsung heroes. But still the inhabitants of this small town will  bitch about everything.  

Winning is not the name of the game it is perseverance in the face of hostility.  Actually my recommendations would be for an animal pound in the centre of town.  All lost and straying cats, dogs, sheep and their little ones, plus cows could be found in one place. It is extraordinary how many animals go on walkabout!  


  1. We are voting for District Councillors here - the Green Party candidate was our representative - hope he gets in again - he was a Cub Scout when I very first helped with the Group so has been in the area forever.

    1. Well Sue my grand daughter is a devoted scout, looking after the beavers on Friday. She was chuffed yesterday she now has leadership and the ability to take command. It seems to put them on the right road so I hope your GP candidate makes it back. It looks like we vote green and Liberal for local affairs, having more faith in them. But no Greens on the council here, though of course the town is run on green lines.

  2. No election here but I do agree about unsung heroes in our communities. Yes, they get paid but folk soon complain if bits of rubbish are accidentally left. Our bin men here are fantastic. When my walking abiity was beginning to fail they saw me struggling to bring the bin round to the front. One of them used his phone to ring the office and tell them to put me on the list of places where they had to collect the bins themselves from 'round the back'.

    1. People always complain Pat, it is in their nature to find fault with something. But you met the kindness of the binmen who acted quickly.

  3. I agree with you whole heartedly about the quiet people, quietly doing their jobs. You know, here's a thing. We have quite a problem with feral cats here, poor things, and I feed them. I've brought Houdini inside. They are a rough crowd, however, and there is always a fight, or injured cats.

    In Turkey, there is a town that has built a shelter for the cats. They are fed and cared for collectively by the community. They wander up to anyone who sits down for a pet. They seemed to live together quite peacefully. And that has been on my mind. Suppose we dealt with people that way, making sure they were sheltered, fed, treated them kindly...perhaps there would be a lot less fighting.

    Surely the answer could not be that simple.

    1. I have noticed how kind people are in Turkey to their cats Debby. Here feral cats are often caught and then neutered and then let free again which at least does not add to the feral population. I expect individuals feed them, though there will be a minority wanting them put down.

  4. There are the good folks everywhere volunteering and not patting themselves on the back. Thank goodness e have them or life would be even more expensive. "Exploring my thoughts is not somewhere you need to go down by the way." Now that is a mouthful.

    1. Well if I was a camera Tabor, my filter would be 'the funny side of life'. Inability to take life too seriously ;)


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