Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday the 16th November

Off to Whitby today for various things to do. We have not been for ages, and will be taking Lucy of course.  Very good in the car, warm and snug she often refuses to come out of it! She has the making of a cartoon character, with her four short speckled legs and ability to carry around anything that comes to hand.  Completely won over LS, even when she does something wrong.
Today seems to be the only dry day we will get, though I saw pink skies this morning, and the remnants of Abigail raged around the trees again last night.  My family in the Calderdale district are always at risk of flooding, they have a large basement into which the water will presumably end up in.  The narrow valley down which the Calder river flows, is also fed by waters from the steep hills on either side.
Random photos of this bustling town......


  1. I am glad to hear that Lucy has settled in so well Thelma. I think I would stay in the car with her today, although you do make Whitby look exciting - particularly that lovely little alley.

  2. Some alleyways are quite pretty others not so, I tried once to photograph all the 'yards' of Whitby, they have an interesting history.

  3. How is Lucy's attitude toward chickens, Thelma? I hope it is better than Tristan's attitude toward squirrels and jackrabbits (actually hares)!

  4. She is the most gentle of dogs, the chickens or the 'gang of three' are more aggressive, though I think we may have a fox sniffing around, she often barks in the evening to be let out. Tristan is male of course, with the classic symptoms of - if it moves chase it...

  5. Tristan has taken to slowly stalk squirrels before rushing at them. I actually taught him to do that (knowing that they would be up a tree before he got there!). He seems to have finally realised that he cannot climb trees. He never chases birds as it did not take very him long to realize he could not fly.

    Perhaps Lucy will be a good protector for the chickens, although as a species, they do not seem to be appreciative of such things. I remember my grandmother's chickens being especially nasty to me when I was about four.

  6. Tristan has taken to slowly stalk squirrels before rushing at them. I actually taught him to do that (knowing that they would be up a tree before he got there!). He seems to have finally realised that he cannot climb trees. He never chases birds as it did not take very him long to realize he could not fly.

    Perhaps Lucy will be a good protector for the chickens, although as a species, they do not seem to be appreciative of such things. I remember my grandmother's chickens being especially nasty to me when I was about four.

    1. Hi John, missed this, must be the double comments, notice Morning Minion had the same problem. You should take some photos of Tristan, I remember Moss taking up after a hare and not stopping for a couple of miles. The hare won of course.
      My chickens are feisty as well, they are not called 'The Gang of Three' for nothing. Lucy does not like them, when we play ball the chickens run as well after it, thinking it is food probably....

  7. Hi Thelma, I have no idea how the double messages happened. My most recent Tristan post was this one:

    click on the pictures to enlarge.


Love having comments!