Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tuesday 10th May

Reading this at the moment, a lovely poetical essay to an old field and it's happenings through the year.  Something Lewis-Stempel said jarred the memory for a moment, simply put we are so good at classification in a scientific manner, that the naming of birds rests now on one name only, robin, thrush, blue tit etc.  Whereas in those far off olden days, a bird would have a local geographical name in their own small part of England.  Full marks must go to Geoffrey Grigson for recording the minutiae of the plant world and how the wild plants were given different names, often depending on their uses, whether good or bad.  Anyways, Stempel says that if you were to read W.L.Mellersh on his Treatise on the Birds of Gloucestershire  you would find at least 10 names for the long-tailed tit.
In fact when I started this blog this morning Blogger went pear-shaped and I left it to take Lucy a walk.  One of the problems in the country is the grass verges next to the roads, this is where you have to walk to escape being run over, not always easy.  But last week at the discussion in the church, it was mentioned the length of road from the pub to the bridge was rather dangerous, and lo and behold, Phil at the Granary Barn and a farmer just down the road, cut  the grass in the verge and the cherry trees back.  Which was very public spirited of them!

Things to be glad about.............
An announcer on radio 4 this morning said British Exit, instead of that terrible Brexit, hurray for the proper use of words.....

And then there is Bealtaine Cottage in Ireland for a quiet ramble through Colette's morning...

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