Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Nonscriptus - Bluebells in Blake's Wood 2015

The woods bring forth their flowers in spring and we are as always stung by the brilliance of the emerging carpets of wind anemones and bluebells.  So once again I did try to capture their beauty in video, but I think I need another lifetime to grasp the simple mechanics of taking videos!  I wrote in 2020 about them as well, probably I have written every year but Blake's Wood in Essex left to its own devices produced an abundance of stuff.  Sweet chestnuts, mushrooms and many wild flowers.
Why Hyland Garden? for the bird song of course.


  1. We have bluebells that bloom like that in the woods on the south side of the city I live in. Every year I make sure to walk through when they are blooming. Ours usually bloom in the beginning of May so thanks for the reminder that I should check the woods down there soon. It is amazing and lovely to see!

    1. Bluebells almost have a magical aura around them, the coloured mass shines in a wood Ellen.

  2. I ordered native bluebells this year and I must remember to go out and water them!

  3. Are your native bluebells the same as ours Tabor?

  4. We are so lucky here in the British Isles in that we get this wonderful burgeoning of Spring in more or less the same order each year. And the sheer joy of it fills my heart more and more the nearer I get to 90!

  5. Watching, I thought how lovely are the birds. And they caused you to go there to see the bluebells.

  6. As it happens I was enjoying a bluebell wood only yesterday. They seem to be earlier than usual this year, but every bit as beautiful.

  7. What a beautiful walk! Thanks for taking us along.


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