Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Things that cheer me up

 Slowly a feeble sun starts to appear and my mood changes as I walk to Lidl and look up at the trees, they also are colouring slightly.  Tod is getting to be the second 'Hebden Bridge'.  What I mean by that is that HB has a reputation for being sophisticated (yes they do sophistication down North).  Tod on the other hand is a town bisected by three main roads and has no centre to talk off.  But that is changing, the ponytail grey haired male is appearing in this town, 'yummy-mummies' as well.  Though don't ask what they are about, I pick up jargon willy-nilly.

I was going to talk about chicken.  Every fortnight or so we have a chicken, roasted of course, but with half of it remaining for another meal, everyone's fingers are kept off it.  Then it is my job to strip the carcass, which takes ages.  As I do this wretched job, the song that comes into my mind is Pickin a Chicken with mesung by Eva Boswell in the 1950s and sung by us as children.  The chicken dish made  has tarragon, mustard, cream and cheese - very rich, but is a great favourite of the family.  I do not eat chicken by the way, a vegetarian compromise you would think but I  cook whatever other people want.

Have just been through my email, and find Andrew has sent me a set of photos of his father's garden.  Andrew's father made a garden from an old quarry, so that it has the right ecosystem for the plants he grows in it. It is called 'Jack's Jungle' and has appeared on Monty Don's gardening programme.  It was sad last week when one of Monty's dogs died, I think it was Jen, but as always dog owners always have younger dogs to replace the old as and when they go.

But to return to the garden, it is alive with exotica and native plants and you can see why his dad is so proud of it.  There is a photo of him amongst the pictures and you can see that Andrew will grow into the spitting image of him as he ages.

*Listening to the music once again all I can say that as children we had crap taste in music!


  1. Stripping the chicken carcass used to be a favourite job as I found all the tasty bits! But as a vegetarian you are brave doing it - some people wouldn't. I've not cooked a whole chicken for a long time.

    1. The meat makes a good chicken pie as well Sue. As a child sent off to farms on the summer holiday, I witnessed the killing of chicken for a Sunday meal, and the job of plucking the feathers off was something I did not relish. But at least I knew where chicken came from.

  2. Oh goodness, Thelma, I have never heard that song before but it did give me a chuckle.
    That garden is really something but how do they keep away the weeds?! Does he have a crew of people to pull the weeds? Does he put something special on the soil to prevent weeds? That is my biggest problem - trying to stay ahead of the weeds and I am always losing! ;)

    1. If you notice Ellen everything is very close together and the weeds would have a hard time of it. I think the song has a bouncy tune ideal for children, but it is so dated.

  3. Even in my wildest dreams Thelma I would not know how to strip a chicken carcass - the family should give you - a vegetarian - a medal for doing it.


    1. Well for a start it is cooked Pat and todays chicken have plenty of white meat all around the body. It also reminds me of my first mother-in-law who was absolutely horrified I had thrown away the turkey one Xmas. She fished it out of the bin and boiled it for stock.

  4. I can sing Pickin a Chicken all the way through, and I haven't clicked the link yet. Or if you would prefer it, Alma Cogan's Sugartime, or Ertha Kitt's Old Fashioned Girl, or a whole load of others from that era on request.

    1. Well my request is 'Old Fashioned Girl' I am sure you have the voice for it. Envy a mind that remembers songs by the way Tasker.

  5. Those pictures made me happy as well. How wonderful to step out the door and have a wander through that! It sounds very silly but it is very soothing to me to sit and chop meat and vegetables. This time of year, I look for cheering things too. Something that brings me joy is finding little Christmas gifts. I also think it would be cheering to hear Tasker belting out a song. *waits expectantly*

    1. I have bought a similar small present for each of the family, can't say what it is, I am occasionally read by them. Chopping vegetables, except perhaps onions, is good for the soul.

  6. That garden is superb - no wonder it featured on TV. But if you think I'm clicking on a link to hear that bloody awful song (excuse the parliamentary language) then I'm afraid you are much mistaken!

    1. Shame on you John, no taste ;) But it is a beautiful garden and well looked after.


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