Friday, October 7, 2022

Trailing the grand children

As everyone should probably know I have four (mostly) grown up grand children.  Tom in Manchester, almost settled with his girlfriend and an American sports company.  Lillie at home in college and  being a scout leader and doing drama.   Ben and Matilda in London leading the good life.

Well I went on Instagram to see the latest news of the last two.  Ben works, or is at least learning the tricks of the trade in being a stylist to the upwardly mobile.  Lewis Hamilton figured in his photos, and also Charlotte Rampling.  He had never heard of Charlotte Rampling, okay she is as old as his granny but even so!  Social media is the showpiece of people's lives and the young revel in it.  I just wonder what would happen if it was all switched off.  Apparently Putin can do that.  Isn't there somewhere off the Cornish coast, where a great thick cable of internet wires strike land?  I thought it was relayed by satellite, shows my ignorance on the subject.

Glampuss Matilda will only date male models or music artists she informs us all.  The young live by their looks, which I don't consider healthy by the way.  It is almost inbuilt insecurity that they have to strive for a 'look'.  Think it must be because we humans are multiplying so fast.

Was I so frivolous (and shallow) when young I wonder?  The answer is probably yes sadly and now I can only look back at times gone by and envy the young their lives today.  Although you would say they had it more tougher than us.


  1. Oh, my grandson would be impressed that your son knows Lewis Hamilton! Big Formula One fans in my family!!

    1. Well my grandson Ben would not know him intimately but he likes the fact that he is able to move in exalted circles.

  2. I used to work for the Marine Division of the Post Office and can still remember quite a few of the settings for cables between our country and others - it has always struck me that they make our communications very vulnerable should an enemy decide to chop them up!

  3. You can't blame the kids for never having heard of Charlotte Rampling! They are now worried that the Russians will sneak up with giant pair of underwater scissors and snip that cable. Just think - no more blogging to the USA...

  4. You are right, it is not their fault not knowing Rampling. Cutting off our ties with the rest of world would be sad of course, more peaceful maybe. But I don't think Putin will last much longer, no one wants a war, not even his own people. I am hoping the generals will sort him.


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