Thursday, October 12, 2023

12th October 2023 - Trivia

It has been a quiet day, nothing much to write about, I will not approach the terrible news of Israel and Gaza.  The BBC news is respectful.  No I will turn to cooking for the moment.  Just cooked a quiche and made a bulgar wheat salad. 

I fancy Peking Duck haven't had it for years, Paul would make it, the duck flesh falling off the bone, thin slivers of cucumber and spring onions a splodge of sauce into the round pancake and you had made your own dinner at the table! 

Then there is raclette and fondue, again help yourself food and easy to put together.  For some reason Lidl has not had the packets of fondue this year, but don't worry all the Xmas stuff is in...

The rise of bedbugs: The thought went through my head that when Matilda and Ben come back from London we should spray them at the door with insecticide, the horrors of this little tiny creature are the subject of many a newspaper article.  Apparently they get everywhere, travel in your suitcase or on the buses or trains.

Talking of beds, and the coming Xmas.  There is a new king sized bed coming into the house tomorrow for the attic room.  It will need putting together, Andrew and Lillie, I'm too old apparently, thank god, for scrabbling around on the floor is not my most favourite job.

The weather turns over the weekend, cold and maybe snow for the far North and Ireland.


  1. They can keep the snow up in Scotlamd where the mountains are made for it. Lovely sunny day here today but cool breeze.

    1. Well rain here, each morning when I wake up there is always a soft fret so that everything seems constantly wet Pat.


  2. the weather remains decent here. Low sixties. I wore a light jacket out today.

    1. Glad the weather is good Joanne, it is winter with its slippery pavements that we have to watch out for.

  3. It was sweater weather here today. We had the same weather as Joanne.

    1. My winter sweaters are in the freezer. Why? because the wretched wool moth got at them Debby ;) Some fancy darn work is needed.

  4. The Wonderful Takeaway on Rochdale Road, Todmorden includes this on its menu:-
    Crispy Aromatic Duck A. Quarter (6 Pancakes)
    Served with pancake, hoisin sauce, cucumber & spring onions (£9.80)
    The Wonderful Takeaway receives mixed reviews. You can also order a half duck for £17.80 with 12 pancakes.
    It can be ordered online and delivered.

  5. You are an angel Y/P for looking that up. But don't sprout your wings too soon. We have some Hoisin sauce in the cupboard and there are plenty of ducks on the canal. Amazon can of course provide the pancakes!


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