Sunday, May 3, 2020

A pretty marriage ;)

And is there honey for tea?
The link goes to the very long poem that is The Old Vicarage Grantchester, by Rupert Brooke.


  1. That is indeed a beautiful posy. Arilx

  2. So pretty Thelma. Our honeysucckle up here is only just coming into leaf

  3. Thank you everyone. I had decided at one stage to collect single teacups for show, but that has been put on hold. The combination was made up by the 'Granchester' poem's end line, because as everyone knows you can suck the end of the petals of the honeysuckle for sweetness.

  4. Our honeysuckle by the front gate is blooming now too. Your little teacup posy looks beautiful. I can remember teaching my children to suck the nectar from them too!!

  5. I suspect the bees must do that as well, make a hole in the end to get to the nectar. Just sent off for Brigid Strawbridge Howard paperback book on bees, which has just come out.

  6. I haven't ever seen honeysuckle like that. Here we mostly have something called Japanese Honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica. Its flowers are white with yellow.

    Your presentation is perfect <3

    1. I think this is early Belgium honeysuckle, there is a later one as well. Honeysuckle can also grow wild in he countryside, it is lovely on the Pembrokeshire coast.


Love having comments!