Thursday, September 1, 2022

Rays of Sunshine ;)

 The car as we know it is fast becoming extinct; it is a relic of a former age. Sitting in a traffic jam in a ton of metal that belches pollution and costs a fortune will surely be seen by future generations as not just stupid, but criminal.  John Vidal.......

As Antonio Guterres, the UN secretary general, Tweeted: "It is immoral for oil & gas companies to be making record profits from the current energy crisis on the backs of the poorest, at a massive cost to the climate. I urge all governments to tax these excessive profits & use the funds to support the most vulnerable people."  Ecologist - Molly Scott Cato

A couple of things I picked up along the way in my reading.  Germaine Greer has been given the bounce. She is out of date and out of focus. Rebecca Solnit I have returned to and will finish 'The Inklings' off eventually.  Lewis and Tolkien had funny ideas on the role of women as well, but in their case we can put it down to nurture not nature!

I had been voting in the Green elections last night and reading the different intentions noted that just like the Labour party split between Corbyites and Starmer, a similar array of arguments also takes place in the Green Party, with everyone vowing to take a more moderate route.  I had voted Molly Scott Cato as a first choice for one of the jobs (proportional representation).  Then came across this article this morning by her.

So the quote by the UN Secretary General is why you see it there.  Do we shake the pension schemes of the retired class in this country, or do we allow those that are poorest to go through anxiety and distress with the possibility of homelessness in their lives.  

The quote about getting rid of cars, will put people's backs up I know, especially those who live in the countryside, and have no other means of transport but I read an interesting article on building more roads means more cars on the road.  I had heard the argument before but in this small country more roads is not an option but pollution definitely so.  


  1. There are just too many of us humans in the world.

  2. Easy enough mantra Tom but do you have any ideas how to cope with it?

  3. I have been carless for two years now as I can no longer drive. I must say I no longer miss it.

    1. It does give you freedom Pat, not owning a car. I had to sell mine because my eyesight was becoming strange and not seeing things properly. It plays hell with my knitting also.

  4. I have been examining the possibility of giving up my car. Thanks for another noodge.

    1. I moved into town and with family so it is easy. Neither of my children by the way drive nor do the grandchildren, cars can become burdens in towns when you have to park them Joanna.

    2. It's me masquerading as 'unknown'. Signed in now.


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