Friday, July 31, 2015


Mosaic kept in store at Keynsham, it is a 'picture' mosaic telling tales.
The sun shone, the tourists in Whitby promenaded in their usual fashion, and we had lunch accompanied by loud music which resulted in everyone having to repeat themselves.  Music and restaurants can be a nightmare sometimes!

Weird weather we are having for the middle of summer, night time temperature way down, and the cold winds by day take the warmth of the sun.  I had forgotten the beautiful full moon last, it shone through the branches of the great tree outside, slowly moving westward.  Its brightness kept me awake, and I have to turn my mind to finding curtains for the bedroom.  Today the last of the furniture comes, a desk for LS's study, he has been using a board balanced on some enormous Japanese encyclopedias and boxes, once this is in place we can then move the bookcases from downstairs up and unpack more boxes of books.....

When we got back I tried finding information on the Roman temple at Durley Hill near Keynsham, the Roman villa now but a tracery of stones below the soil surface is supposed to be stunning, a lot of it was destroyed by the building of the A4 road through it.  An artist reconstruction seems to record a large building, and I think the temple is in the bottom right hand corner.  It was the town of 'Trajectus' that caught my eye, as there is not much information,  but 'Trajectus' is Roman for bridgehead, and it is thought that this was a crossing of the River Avon from Bath (Aqua Sulis) to Sea Mills (Abonea).

As North Stoke is also nearby, and Bitton is also thought to have a Roman temple beneath the church, the history along this road widens into a well established route from Bath.  The octagonal  roof of the temple at the site is also echoed in another Roman temple nearby.

And now once more the building of houses over the area meant that an archaeological survey has done its job, though I believe some land has been given a prohibition order as a site to be built on, (or buried in)  that being in the grave yard of the church on Dursley Hill.

More info....

This is just part of the 'traffic' that goes by, something must be happening somewhere, two very old tractors went by yesterday evening.

An inner window in the church, part of the Norman inheritance.


  1. I love the way you have involved yourself in the history of the area so quickly.
    The farmer was enchanted with that horse!

  2. A couple of heavy horses had gone before the trap and horse, just wonder if they were coming back from some show. Seen several last week as well.


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