Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tuesday 5th November

Europe a Prophecy by William Blake.  God holds a compass as in  'The Golden Compass' of  the film of Phillip Pullman fame

Or as we know it the instrument of truth, the alethiometer.  It does raise the question of how we recognise truth, perhaps a mechanical instrument would do us all fine! This morning I am informed by the government via email, on those government petitions I have signed, are all written off because the committees and individuals could no longer be there after tomorrow. What is happening tomorrow? Parliament is closing down for an election - fun and games and the repetitious nonsense of the media.
I watched the film 'Golden Compass' and found it depressing but the story line was of course completely unusual.  Setting the background in the cold North with the Northern lights as 'dust' and we enter another world.  Warrior polar bears, in this time when we see them starving on icebergs as the North and South polar's melt, brings us to a reality we may have to face.

Also brings us to Greta Thunberg, stranded in one country because they have changed the venue of the meeting she was going to in Santiago has now changed to Madrid and she needs a boat ride across the Atlantic.  Somehow the children in Pullman's book have a relationship with the children who strike on Friday to draw attention to Climate change.  
I am not quite sure what to make of this, she is intelligent, outspoken and has gained a lot of respect.  On the other hand she has also been castigated and made fun of by some in power but she sticks to her message and you have to admire her for that.
William Blake, Phillip Pullman and Greta Thunberg all bring their messages to us, art, storytelling and I suppose in Greta's case facts or science.
So where does truth lie?

1 comment:

  1. Truth always lies with the facts, but does turn a bit gray upon the interpretation of the facts.


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