Tuesday, February 11, 2020

"I must look very happy all I see is oranges and apples"

"I must look very happy all I see is oranges and apples" A quote to  set you thinking! 

I watched this video with a certain humility, not for those offering food but those receiving it.  Happy smiles, just for  extra food, the children always make your heart break.  Yorkshire Pudding lists the over-population of our world.  Frightening as it grows at such a fast rate, we have become too clever at keeping people alive.  I only wish that those Indian children will have some of the goodies we have been so careless with in the last few years, and that it is now our time to move aside and let the new generations solve some of the problems.


  1. Previous generations - our own included - have certainly created plenty of problems for future generations to deal with like a jumble of plastic bottles washed up on a pristine shore.

    1. Though this is light of tongue have you ever explored a Victorian dump? Mostly it will be glass bottles. The creation of rubbish belongs to each of us I know, but the unfortunate habit of rubbish ending up in the sea is partly the fault of governments who farm it out to rogues who dump it.

    2. Deleted the latest scam YP thank you for replying to him. Actually thought of joining the Rich Illumini! ;) ;)

  2. The future is not looking good as there is an even more of a disparity between the haves and the have nots.

    1. I suspect it has always been there, but there is just more people on the planet.

  3. Statistics show that we have enough food to feed all. It is just not distributed well. So much is thrown away and people in desert areas are not fairly treated. There is enough food though.

  4. I have heard that to Tabor, French supermarkets have just opted to give their unsold food away for free. It takes a long time to get there but we do eventually.

  5. Okay then...

    This might sound kind of weird, and maybe even kind of "out there"....

    HOW would you like it if you could just click "Play" to listen to a short, "musical tone"...

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Love having comments!