Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The two bad boys

I know I should not be political but when  a commentator called Cain and Cummings 'lying, bullying thugs' after the walkout by the press from 10 Downing Street I knew that as a country we can fight back.  What am I talking about?  Lovely biblical name there...

When Cain told the banned journalists to leave, the rest of the journalists decided to walk out collectively rather than allow Downing Street to choose who scrutinises and reports on the government.
Among those who refused the briefing on the UK’s trade negotiations with the EU were the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg, ITV’s Robert Peston, and political journalists from Sky News, the Daily Mail, the Telegraph, the Sun, the Financial Times and the Guardian.

When asked directly what grounds he had for selectively briefing to some political editors and not others, Cain said: “We’re welcome to brief whoever we like, whenever we like.”  Ouch, ouch ouch!!

Miserable pair, heading for what? Dictatorship? we all know that Cummings wants to restrict government to a mollycoddled poodle, in which only the head speaks, (hello Mr Trump ;) but luckily we are less compliant.  Another interesting comment from the Breakfast show (I was eating my toast) is that we have seen no other minister since they have been back from the Xmas holiday. The health minister over the coronavirus or the terrorist death.


  1. Interesting that even the Telegraph, the Sun and the Daily Mail walked out.

    1. Well as Tracy says the 'free press' needs to be protected, it is good that they all banded together.

  2. They have done exactly what the American press corps should have done when faced with bullying from Trump. Bullies need to be shown up for what they are and the best way to do this is to refuse to play their divisive games. We have a free press in this country and if these two unelected henchmen don't like it then perhaps they should go somewhere where their 'talents' might be better appreciated.

  3. Well done for standing up for what is right.


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