Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 Where to start? I could write about the Sistine Chapel of Rock Art discovered in the Amazon, there is something quite exciting about such discoveries, a bit like the Mayan temples that you come on in the middle of jungles, you can watch the tv show on Channel 4 in December.  Or, this will put a few backs up ;) ;), Paul Mason and his thoughts on Brexit - The UK must Accept an European Future or Accept Isolation  and Decline.  Yes that dreaded word - Brexit, is shimmering on the horizon, like that steel monolith that appeared in the Utah Desert a few days ago.   There they were counting bighorn sheep in a helicopter and there it stood, a reminder of the film 200l - A Space Odyssey.  Anyway it disappeared a couple of days later, and the mystery is being explored.  I notice David Icke has appeared care of a blogger somewhere, now maybe he will set the story straight!

The Utah Monolith

But yes, to go back to Brexit, I truly am sad that we cannot belong to this larger  complex of fellow countrymen, and women of course, so the EU is corrupt and overbearing, have you seen the British government lately.
But no, I am elbow deep in the lives of the feral cats that live round here, I never meant it this way, but feeding my little cat has brought a sad truth to the fore.  There are several cats around the village who are not owned. So I sent round an email to people and several have replied.  Now they are all under the mistaken impression that the Cat's Protection society will magically whisk them away? 
Well I have managed to catch two for neutering, both males but the mother is elusive, perhaps the trap needs to be set in another garden?  How do you introduce contraception into stray cats I wonder.

Rain falling on the Bulguk Temple, South Korea for a more gentle reflection.


  1. 2001 indeed. The next disaster caused by Brexit will be the break-up of the Union. Try as I might, I cannot see anything positive to come out of that stupid referendum.

  2. We are going to be in a helluva mess for a couple of years, which will probably conveniently be blamed on the virus issue. So will we become a small federation next to the larger one? Though probably not given the independent nature of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

  3. David Icke and other loonies. Tin Foil Hat Brigade are out in force. This pandemic was all planned,PCR tests are unreliable and have been proved not to work, mass testing inflates numbers, lock downs don’t work, don’t get your news from trained journalists go to alternative websites....you couldn’t make it up if you tried.

    1. He has been around for years, I believe being a 'loony' is quite profitable, not that I am cynical!

    2. I think you are right. Unfortunately some people fall for it.

  4. And we need gentle reflections Thelma so thank you for that.

    1. I love the noise of the rain in that video, it brings reality back Pat.

  5. I wish the solution to homeless cats would be the severe punishment of those who turned them lose, the first time. You are close to a saint for tackling the problem in your little bit of the earth.

    1. Home cats are chipped but not ferals of course Joanne. Our shelters are full of abandoned cats and dogs but the ferals are left to find their own way in life, but neutered. The kittens may have a chance of being socialised though.

    2. We adopted two feral kittens. We were told they would need “a bit of socializing”. One of them disappeared at about nine months. The other took 18 months or so. He is now a lovely contented cat that likes to sit in laps but it was a long slog. We also adopted a couple of kittens that were feral but had been captured when they were very young and fostered in a house. They were socialized and were a great help in bringing the other guy around.

    3. A household of cats. The problem here with catching these cats is my old dog Lucy's presence. The cat I feed talks to me, comes up to me but as soon as I try to stroke her, her sharp little claws come out.

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